Student and Family Engagement: In my short time on the school board, I’ve heard many valid questions from parents and ideas for improvement from students. I am committed to exploring ways to increase opportunities for two-way conversation so we can ensure the understanding and collaboration necessary to deliver the best possible experience for all families. Not only do I believe that our students are the leaders of tomorrow, I believe they are ready for leadership roles in our district today – including on the school board. 

A Nurturing School Environment: Unfortunately, we are seeing an unprecedented number of students facing mental health challenges. We are also seeing the number of students in need of special education services continue to grow. It is critical that we have adequate staffing to meet all our students’ needs, including school counselors, paraprofessionals and other support staff. As many districts struggle to fill these positions, 196 must remain competitive with livable wages, a rewarding work environment and strong partnerships with our unions.

No Economic Stigma: In order for all students to thrive in school, we must ensure that the district is not unintentionally creating economic stigma for families struggling to make ends meet. This drove my passion to lead the Hunger Free Schools coalition which passed universal school meals in Minnesota, but we cannot stop there. I will work to cut unnecessary fees and ensure we are doing everything we can to help students meet their basic needs and have access to school supplies, activities and support services.

Freedom to Learn: Our students deserve a well-rounded education. That includes an honest, accurate and age-appropriate understanding of our history. I appreciate the time and dedication our teachers put into building the strongest possible lesson plans and do not want to take away from that with efforts to micromanage lesson plans or book selection. Instead, I intend to support our teachers who have led the charge to ensure our classrooms include a wide range of materials honoring the many cultures and experiences our students represent. 

Equity for All: If we want to achieve the 196 mission to educate all students to reach their full potential, we must confront the reality that our state is among the worst in educational achievement gaps by race and income. I believe our district has the tools and commitment to lead the charge in charting a different course. One step is to embrace opportunities for students and staff alike to grow in our understanding and respect for one another across diverse backgrounds (race, income, gender, sexual orientation, ability, etc.) – building a safe and welcoming environment for students to be their authentic selves and grow the cultural competencies necessary to succeed in the future. Another key component is to hold ourselves accountable to getting results. That includes working to shrink our opportunity gap in 196.